Thursday, February 13, 2014

Manifesting Oneness With Christ Jesus!

Hello Precious One!
Holy Spirit is leading us to a place where the Spirit realm is infinitely more powerful than the earthly realm.  He is leading to live from the Father’s heart and the fullness of Christ whom dwells inside of us.   He is leading to us to live from this place of Oneness!  In this place of Oneness with Jesus and the Father, we are “More Than Conquerors.”   This is the realm is far above and infinitely more powerful than the earthly realm.  This is the place of abounding fullness of Love, power and Joy!  It is the place that Jesus lived from when going through the Cross. 
 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our Faith, who for the Joy set before Him endured the Cross.”  Though Jesus was going through the excruciating of all pain and suffering, He was living from this place of internal Joy!  He was not controlled by the circumstances, but He overcame and conquered the circumstances He was facing by setting His heart on the Joy of being with the Father and us for all of eternity.   Because we have His heart and Spirit, we too can do the same as we turn our hearts to Him during our extremely difficult times!   Holy Spirit is leading to place where we are continually living from the new man In Christ who is in Him and One with Him and “as He is”.  
 “You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24.  
The Bible refers to us being “In Christ” over a hundred times and this is the place the Spirit is leading us to live from!  In Christ is only His perfection, glory, supernatural power Love, Joy…     In this place In Christ;  sickness, disease, weakness, lack, poverty, fear, hurt, grief… do not even exist.   This is the place we have been raised into when we were raised with Christ into the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.   We are learning to live with our hearts and minds set and fixed on Jesus, in the heavenly realms!   We are all, “in Process” where condemnation does not exist!
  “Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”   The Spirit is always leading us to manifest heaven on the earth!!!   This is always God’s Will for our lives while on the earth!   Holy Spirit is the One who is taking us to the deep places in the Spirit, to the depths of the Father’s heart of burning, blazing, passionate Love!!!!! 
 How would you like to live on the earth with the Father’s heart of Love burning with infinite power in the depths of your own heart?    We were created for this!!!!    The Spirit is leading us to this place of the Fire and Power of His Love so that we manifest His heart of Love on the earth!!!   We have been called to this place of the Fire of His Love!
  As we set our hearts and minds on Jesus and Him glorified, with an unveiled face of the flesh, we being transformed into His likeness!!!   We just abide in His Love and set our minds and the attitude of our hearts on Him!  “As He is, so are we in this world.” 1 John 4:17.  
  So we look to His Joy when we are going through very difficult and maybe even painful circumstances, just like Jesus did!   The Father’s Love which is full of Joy is always being poured into our hearts by Holy Spirit, so we can bathe ourselves in this always fresh outpouring of His Love all through our heart!   We are learning to turn our heart away from the world and all of its trouble, and turn our heart to the eternal fountain of the Father’s Love, Joy, and supernatural power that we exist in! 
 So we set our heart on things above, the heavenly realities where we exist in the perfection of Christ Jesus in every present moment!!!  This is the place of Joy and supernatural power where we live as “More Than Conquerors” through Him who Loves us!!!!              SHALOM

Jerry   Brown                 2-13-2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Seeing In the Spirit!!!!

Good Morning Precious One!
“I will cleanse you from ALL of your impurities and from ALL your idols.  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.   And I will put My Spirit in you and move you to follow My decrees…” Ezekiel 36:25-27.  
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ , the glorious Father,  may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.  I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the Hope to which He has called you…” Ephesians 1:17-18.
We have been given a brand new heart, the heart from the Father, and we have been given His Spirit as well as new creations In Christ Jesus!    We are no longer just mere human beings!!!!  We are new creations, now, with a heart and spirit from the Father in whom dwells the fullness of Christ Jesus! 
We just need to be awakened to this glorious Truth by the power of the Holy Spirit!  We absolutely need the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so we can walk in the full power of these Truths!   Mere head knowledge has no power for a transformed life!  Unless the Holy Spirit breathes Life upon these Truths in the depths of our being, we will walk and live as the “old man” in weakness, fear , sickness and lack; endlessly striving to become the new man who we already are In Christ Jesus!!!!!
   The old man is dead and gone and the new man In Christ is who we have become.   But without the revelation into the depths of our inner being, the power of the new heart is not activated and manifested while we live on this earth.   We need the power of Holy Spirit to awaken and activate this Bible Truth to turn it into power so we can walk as Jesus walked and do as Jesus did and do the even “greater things” as promised in the Book of John! 
  “Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”    The Father’s Will for each of us is that we all manifest heaven on the earth!!!  We have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing In Christ in the heavenly realms, yet we can live our lives in utter and complete lack, regarding everything He has already been blessed with!  
“Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:  Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.”   So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ezekiel 37:9-10. 
We need to speak Life into each other from the fullness of Christ, by the full power and authority that we have in the Holy Spirit, and prophesy to the depths of our new hearts and awaken this heart and Spirit of the Lord within us so we walk and live as He is, on this earth!!!!!   PROPHESY!!!!!    Speak Life to the hearts of people until the full Breath of the Holy Spirit is awakened within each of us and we walk as His glorious Bride on the earth!!!!!!
  A Vast Army of people, on Fire with the Fire Of heaven, burning in the depths of our hearts, will rise up out of weakness, lack and dullness!!!!!   We will prophesy until we become a wild Fire of The Love of Christ and walk and live and demonstrate the full power and Love of our Lord and Savior and our glorious Father on this earth!!!!!!!!   We will walk in the fullness of what Jesus purchased on the Cross!!
  Will you and I burn with the Fire and passion and the power of His Love that is already within us, or are we going to settle for the status quo of everyday churchianity?????    We need to be awakened ourselves first to the wild Fire of the Father’s Love that already burns with great power already within us, then we need to Prophesy to the world around us until a Vast Army of Lovers, on Fire in the Fire of His Love covers the earth in His glory!!!!!!!!   
      FIRE!!!!!!!!     FIRE!!!!!!!     FIRE!!!!!!!     Of His Love burning with awesome power within each one of us!!!!!!!!!!    “COME FROM THE FOUR WINDS, O BREATH, AND BREATHE INTO THESE SLAIN, THAT THEY MAY LIVE.”!!!!!!!!     So we can live in the Fire and full power of Your LOVE on the earth!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry Brown              2-10-2014

Awakening Our Hearts With Fire!!!

Good Morning Precious One!
“I will cleanse you from ALL of your impurities and from ALL your idols.  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.   And I will put My Spirit in you and move you to follow My decrees…” Ezekiel 36:25-27.  
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ , the glorious Father,  may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.  I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the Hope to which He has called you…” Ephesians 1:17-18.
We have been given a brand new heart, the heart from the Father, and we have been given His Spirit as well as new creations In Christ Jesus!    We are no longer just mere human beings!!!!  We are new creations, now, with a heart and spirit from the Father in whom dwells the fullness of Christ Jesus! 
We just need to be awakened to this glorious Truth by the power of the Holy Spirit!  We absolutely need the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so we can walk in the full power of these Truths!   Mere head knowledge has no power for a transformed life!  Unless the Holy Spirit breathes Life upon these Truths in the depths of our being, we will walk and live as the “old man” in weakness, fear , sickness and lack; endlessly striving to become the new man who we already are In Christ Jesus!!!!!
   The old man is dead and gone and the new man In Christ is who we have become.   But without the revelation into the depths of our inner being, the power of the new heart is not activated and manifested while we live on this earth.   We need the power of Holy Spirit to awaken and activate this Bible Truth to turn it into power so we can walk as Jesus walked and do as Jesus did and do the even “greater things” as promised in the Book of John! 
  “Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”    The Father’s Will for each of us is that we all manifest heaven on the earth!!!  We have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing In Christ in the heavenly realms, yet we can live our lives in utter and complete lack, regarding everything He has already been blessed with!  
“Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:  Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.”   So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ezekiel 37:9-10. 
We need to speak Life into each other from the fullness of Christ, by the full power and authority that we have in the Holy Spirit, and prophesy to the depths of our new hearts and awaken this heart and Spirit of the Lord within us so we walk and live as He is, on this earth!!!!!   PROPHESY!!!!!    Speak Life to the hearts of people until the full Breath of the Holy Spirit is awakened within each of us and we walk as His glorious Bride on the earth!!!!!!
  A Vast Army of people, on Fire with the Fire Of heaven, burning in the depths of our hearts, will rise up out of weakness, lack and dullness!!!!!   We will prophesy until we become a wild Fire of The Love of Christ and walk and live and demonstrate the full power and Love of our Lord and Savior and our glorious Father on this earth!!!!!!!!   We will walk in the fullness of what Jesus purchased on the Cross!!
  Will you and I burn with the Fire and passion and the power of His Love that is already within us, or are we going to settle for the status quo of everyday churchianity?????    We need to be awakened ourselves first to the wild Fire of the Father’s Love that already burns with great power already within us, then we need to Prophesy to the world around us until a Vast Army of Lovers, on Fire in the Fire of His Love covers the earth in His glory!!!!!!!!   
      FIRE!!!!!!!!     FIRE!!!!!!!     FIRE!!!!!!!     Of His Love burning with awesome power within each one of us!!!!!!!!!!    “COME FROM THE FOUR WINDS, O BREATH, AND BREATHE INTO THESE SLAIN, THAT THEY MAY LIVE.”!!!!!!!!     So we can live in the Fire and full power of Your LOVE on the earth!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry Brown              2-10-2014

More Than Conquerors!!!

Good Morning Precious One!
“We are More Than Conquerors through Him Who Loves Us.” Romans 8:37
Ever thought of yourself as more than a conqueror over ever area and realm of your life?  If you are like most people, you have probably not thought of yourself in this way, especially on some of your weaker days.   Some people may say, “Oh yeah, I am more than a conqueror” because they know this Bible verse, yet their lives don’t reflect this reality hardly at all.      
 We have been perfected, glorified, made whole and One with Jesus, now, not just when we physically die and go to heaven.   The second we received the gift of salvation, part of the gift, is that we were raised with Christ into the heavenly realm In Him.   In this spirit realm, we are perfect this very second.
   Our problem living on the earthly realm is that we identify so much with the earthly realm.  The Bible says to set our minds and hearts on things above, not on earthly things.   The world has a grip on us that most of cannot even see.   “From now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.” 2 Corinthians 5:16.    Most of us struggle, I really think all of us struggle with this and identify ourselves and others by our flesh.   When we see ourselves in the flesh, we are identifying with the old man that was crucified with Christ and not with the new man was made into a new creation and was resurrected with Jesus as more than a conqueror,  into the heavenly realm. 

 We need to speak, declare and prophesy to our new hearts and the new man In Christ!  We need to prophesy to our own hearts to be awakened by the Holy Spirit so we can walk and live in the power of Jesus over all things, as More Than a Conqueror!   It is the power and the Fire of the Spirit that we need to walk as Jesus, more than a conqueror, on the earth today!    The power and Fire of Love of the Father is absolutely necessary to fulfill our destinies In Christ Jesus on the earth!   Holy Spirit is the Presence of Jesus and the Father on the earth today!    

Monday, February 3, 2014

Come from the Four Winds, O Breath and Breathe into the Slain!!!!!!!

Good Morning Precious One!

“Then He Said to me, “Prophesy to these dry bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!  This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter into you, and you will come to life.  I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life.  Then you will know that I am the Lord.  So I prophesied as I was commanded.  And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone.  I looked, and tendons and flesh  appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was still no breath in them.” 

Many people have the outward form and do the outward duties of Christianity but the FIRE and Power and the Breath of the Holy Spirit and the Love of Christ is not burning in the depths of our hearts!  There is still a dryness on the inside of many of our hearts.   Maybe many of us have settled into mainstream Christianity that goes to church each week, and We may know the Word of God but the FIRE and POWER of the Love of Christ by the breath of Holy Spirit is not bursting out from us from the depths of our hearts to all people, even the people who reject, criticize, persecute and do evil against us.   We may put up with people, but the Lord wants us to Love people the way that He does, with His power and the Fire of His Love flowing through us!  

“Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:  Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’  So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath entered into them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.”  Ezekiel 37:4-14.

So why don’t we prophesy directly to that place in the depths of our hearts to the FIRE, POWER and BREATH of the Holy Spirit to burst out from within us to create a vast army of people who have this FIRE,  POWER and BREATH of Holy Spirit with each and every one of us!!!!!  He told the anointed one to prophesy from the four winds of the Spirit, the full measure, all the power of God, all the power of the Holy Spirit into that specific place.

 So why not do the same thing to each of us and to the all people around us and prophesy this all consuming, all powerful Fire of the Love of Christ, into the very depths of our being!!!!   PROPHESY!!!!!!!     
PROPHESY!!!!!!!       PROPHESY!!!!!!    Speak and declare the Fire and full power of the Spirit into the very depths of each of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Let’s not just do or play church!       Let’s wake each other to the full power of the Spirit to burn with this all consuming Fire of the Love of Christ!!!!!!!    PROPHESY!!!!    Speak Life and the Fire of the Father’s Love to the depths of our being!!!!!!!!!       

FIIIIIIRRRRRRREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!      FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!     FIRE!!!!!!!!!!   Of the Father’s Love to burn with power into the depths of all of our hearts!!!!!!!!!         Prophesy and wake up the dry bones, the dry hearts, the outward form of Christianity until will burn with the full power of the Love that burns within the Father!!!!!!!   We are One with Jesus and the Father, so why not burn with their Love like they do in an outward way here on the earth!!!!!!!!!!!    Let us Burn!!!!!!!!!    With His Love!!!!!!!!!!!   WAKE UP THESE DRY BONES of a Fireless, powerless and Loveless Christianity!        PROPHESY from the four winds, the full power of the Holy Spirit specifically to the depths of our hearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to Life and stood up on their  feet—a  vast army.”!!!!!!!     A vast army of Lovers rose up from the valley of dry bones, who live with the FIRE and POWER of the Father’s Love burning with His all consuming  Love within them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jerry Brown       2-3-2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Nothing Can Separate Us From His Abounding Love!!!

Good Morning Precious One!
We were created for intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  This is our highest call in all of life!   It is from this place of intimacy that we go out to seek and save the lost.  It is not the other way around.  Our ultimate destinies are not to build large churches or ministries, but our ultimate destiny is to know His Love with all of our heart!   “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you…” John 17:3. 
 It is the first and greatest commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-38.­     Above all things, the Father wants us to go deep into His Love.  He wants us to know how wide and deep and long and high is His Love that surpasses all knowledge and as we know the depths of His Love we are filled to the full measure of God. 
We were created for His Love and so His Love will flow through us experientially with great power!   The Father is always pouring His Love into our heart through the Holy Spirit.  So, therefore we know His Love deeply and powerfully!  His Love is in the Spirit realm, so we have to become spiritually minded to know His Love!   Holy Spirit is the One who speaks and reveals His Love into the depths of our heart! 
Holy Spirit is the revealer of all Truth. He is our teacher, counselor and the Lover of our soul!   He releases the substance of the Father’s Love into the depths of our heart!  We just need to turn our heart more and more closely to Him! 
 Love is a fruit of the Spirit.  Love comes from God.   “We Love because He first Loved us.” 1 John 4:19.   This is divine and supernatural Love.   Yes, humans have some ability to love, but ultimately, all love comes from the Father!  So to Love more, we need to receive more.  We keep our hearts open to the constant flow of His Love into our heart by the Holy Spirit.   The more we turn the affections of our heart to His Love and behold His glorious Love, we are being transformed the likeness of Christ, who is Love!
  Even if we have been horrible at loving people our whole life, we can start turning and opening our heart to the Father’s flow of Love into us, and His Love will transform us into the likeness of Christ!   It doesn’t have horrible our past was, we can all be transformed into Christ’s Love by setting the affections of heart on Him!   As we set our hearts and minds on things above, the heavenly realities, we are setting our heart and opening our heart to His Love because above all things, the kingdom of heaven and the Father’s heart is Love!!!!
                Even when life around us may be painful, even extremely painful, the Father’s Love is always being poured into our heart by the Holy Spirit.   The more we set our heart on His Love, the greater degree we will manifest and be transformed by His Love!  There may be hatred, jealousy… coming at us from other people, but no matter what is coming against, no matter how powerful it may be, we can ALWAYS turn our heart to the outpouring of the Father’s Love!  
“No, in all these things we are More Than Conquerors through Him who Loves us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all of creation, will be able to separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39.                SHALOM

Jerry   Brown       2-1-2014