Personal Testimonies
* On
December 27, 2012, I prayed with Jerry to receive the baptism of the Holy
Spirit. It was probably one of the best
days of my life. I wanted to feel and experience God’s love for me and God met
me there. I received a great Word from the Lord, which my heart needed and
encouragement for my writing. To read my full testimony on how this day changed
my life forever, you can check out my blog.
* 12-30-2012 One of Tammy's friends got baptized in the Holy Spirit! She felt a lot of tingling and healing of her heart by the Father's Love by the outpouring of His Love through the Holy Spirit! There was a lot of deep hurt there.
* 12-27-2012 A young man and his wife stopped by the tent for prayer. Prayer for financial breakthrough. I received a text from him a couple days later saying he got his car fixed at no charge!
*12-27-2012 An elderly lady stopped by the tent late as I was getting ready to go home. She walked with a cane and had a neck brace on. As I prayed and was releasing the Father's Love to her, she ripped off her neck brace and said all of her pain was gone, right in the middle of the prayer! I was amazed! She didn't gently take it off, she more like ripped it off!!! Some of her other pain left as well! Praise God!!!!
*12-28-2012 My friend Scott and I prayed for this young gal who just had her gall bladder removed two weeks earlier. She was not a Christian. I asked her if we could bless her. She said yes. As we were releasing the Father's Love into her, she said all the pain in her stomach left. She said right before she came to the tent, she was doubled over in pain! God is Good, Mighty and Loving! She had been studying other religions but she was so encouraged to experience God's Love and Healing!
*12-22-2012 As Jawaid and Tammy and I were praying and fellowshipping, a young gal stopped by the tent. She had bad stomach pain. After releasing the Father's Love to her and Jawaid and Tammy giving her words of they saw in the Spirit, she said she felt really good. I asked her how her stomach felt. She said, "Oh yeah, checked it out and said all the pain and discomfort was gone, much to her amazement!!!! Praise God!!!!
*12-22-2012 As Jawaid and I were praying for the Father's Love to fill Tammy's heart, Jawaid said that all of his pain left. He said his feet were really hurting before they came to the tent. Tammy experienced a lot of Joy and Love from the Father! Jawaid got some awesome visions during his prayer time!!!
*12-20-2012 I was speaking at a Christmas Banquet for Gospel Business Men's Fellowship group. Before the talk, while eating dinner, this guy next to me asked me if I would pray for his two kids. The girl was fourteen years old. I prayed the Father's Love and she got baptized in the Holy Spirit. She layed hands on her dad's very sore knee, and almost all of his pain went away. She layed hands on his sore back and all of his back wwent away!!!!
*12-2012 A mother and daughter stopped by the tent. The mother was elderly and in a wheel chair and in pain. They got baptized in the Holy Spirit and filled up with the Father's Love! As I was explaining to the mother that she had already raised with Christ and seated in the heavenly realms, she could see this in the Spirit. I asked her to simply breathe in the realm of perfection in heaven where she was in the Spirit that in this realm there is no sickness or infirmity. She said she was feeling better as she was breathing in the heavenly realm of perfection but she said that her daughter was actually in more pain than she was. I asked the daughter how she was doing. She said she entered into the heavenly realm and could see herself glorified and completely healed there. She said she had no more pain!!!! She had fibromyalgia and extreme foot pain before coming to the tent! They were both so happy and filled with the Joy and Love of the Holy Spirit that I asked them to pray for me. As they were praying, the mother said she saw herself being lifted out of her wheel chair and got scared, so she opened her eyes! AMAZING time in the Holy Ghost!!!!
*12-15-2013 Young gal had pain and cysts in female parts. After the prayer, she has said the pain has never come back!
* 12-7-2012 Young worker at Del Taco had bad back pain. I asked her if she wanted God to heal her. She said "What"? She was totally un-religious, all of her pain left and has stayed awayed to her amazement!!!
*11-28-2012 A lady at the market hip was bothering her. After a very short prayer, almost all of her pain left. The same day, a worker a the Postal Annex store had two broken toes. I asked her if she wanted God to heal her toes. She said they were broken (like this would be too hard for God), prayed and she said all the pain was gone! She could not believe it! Praise God!!!!
*10-2012 While in Oceanside at a Postal Annex store, the guy behind the counter I saw had a hard time writing. I asked him if wanted God to heal him. He was another one who said what??? The pain in his shoulder almost completely left to his amazement!!!
*11-11-2012 After praying for this woman a church who was overwhelmed by the Father's Love, I asked her son to come up for a hug. After asking him again, he came up reluctantly, He had this hard looking exterior. The hug was like hugging a brick wall. No emotion. I just put my hand on his shoulder and didn't say a word, but was releasing the Father's Love into him. After a couple minutes, he looked at me and said he felt really goo and peaceful! I asked him if he would like to have that for the rest of his life. He said yes. He got born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit with His power and Love!!!!
*11-2-2012 Lady stopped by the tent to report that her husband got a good job! We had prayed for this a week earlier.
* September 2012 I saw a friend from past church at the store. He told me that had got his job the after he stopped by the tent for prayer!
* October 2012 These two guys stopped by for prayer. The one guy said he had been buried in a caved in trench about 25 years ago and has been in severe back and neck pain ever since. I didn't pray for healing, I had him see and visualize himself inside of Jesus seated in the heavenly realm. I explained that in this realm of the Spirit, where he was literally seated in Christ, that pain did not exist, only the perfection of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I asked him simply to breathe in the atmosphere of of the perfect healing Love of heaven. After breathing in the atmosphere of heaven, his pain went down from a 9 to a 2. He said he would finish the rest of the healing when he got home! I Love this one! As he breathed in the perfect Love of the heavenly realm, he received his healing!
* October 2012 The same type of thing happened when these two ladies stopped by the tent for prayer. As I was praying and taking the mother into the same heavenly realm, the daughter joined us in the prayed. I didn't know it, but she was in severe pain from fibromyalghia. As she joined into the prayer and saew herself in the heavenly realm already healed and was breathing the Truth of this realm of perfect Healing Love, All of her pain left!!! She was in very severe feet pain before she came to the tent!
I could fill pages and pages of healing, but I won't right now. I have seen blind eyes opened, cataracts healed, macular degeneration healed; A Lady with a stroke and paralysis got healed, she said the cloud that was in her mind was gone and had almost complete movement where her left side had been paralized!
An older man at the Navajo reservation said he had Alzheimer's, he descibed it as a constant cloud in his mind. After the prayer of the Father's Love, he said the cloud left!
A lady in her thirties came by the same day, with the same cloud in her mind. She said she couldn't work because she couldn't remember hardly anything. I asked her when this had started, she said in her early teens. The Spirit told me it was caused by abuse. We asked the Holy Spirit to minister to her heart. Jesus said that He came to heal and bind up the heart. In the New Covenant we are given a new heart. I ask the Holy Spirit to minister to her heart so it would be set free. We, Kevin and I, ministered the Father's Love to her heart. When we got done, she said the cloud in her mind was gone!!!! Glory to God!
We have seen deaf ears open at the Navajo Reservation. One lady was in severe pain so that she could not work as a dental hygienist. We ministered the Father's Love to her, and then I offered the hug from the Father and Holy Spirit. It was prophesied over me that I would have a ministry of hugs that the Holy Spirit would be released into people without saying anything. This lady stayed in the hug for about twenty minutes. When she got done, she said she really, really good! She just kept saying this over and over! When she brought her dad for healing about a week later, she said she was ready to go back to work! Her dad, who was in his eighties got his legs healed so he could get in and out of their truck without help! He was so excited!!! Quite a few people have been healed in this hug without hardly speaking to the pain at all! Nothing more powerful in all of creation, than the Father's Love!!! Nothing!!!
While at the tent that was down the street from Inland Valley Hospital a man showed up who was desperate for healing. He said he had just come out of a consultation with the orthopedic doctors. He needed surgery very bad, but the doctors didn't want to do it because I believe he said his diabetes was too bad. He was living on pain pills and could not sleep because his pain was so bad. I just prayed like normal asking Holy Spirit to minister the Father's Love to his heart and then heal his back. He said his pain level was at a 10 on a scale 1-10. After the prayer and blessing, all of his pain was gone!!!! Amazing! God is so Good!!!!
The very first person I had prayed for when I started the tent ministry over four years ago was a friend I knew casually. He stopped by the tent and asked me to pray for his son who was in the hospital in San Diego for Hip Dyspepsia. He was in a lot of pain! I didn't know that humans could get this problem. I saw my friend about two years later and I remembered his son. He told me that he was released from the hospital the next day that it was a miracle! Praise God!!!!
* A couple years ago a gal stopped by who was going through an extremely difficult court case. Seemed like nothing was going her way, seemed like evil was triumphing, and attorneys seemed to ignoring her. I suggested to her that she start blessing everyone involved in the case. She didn't like the idea at first and everything inside of her was like screaming "No". But she decided to go against her feelings and bless everyone because at the Cross, Jesus removed the curse by becoming the curse so all people would be Blessed. I asked her to come into agreement with what Jesus did for them on the Cross that this would release the Holy Spirit to really be active in the court case. In less than two weeks, miraculously, the court case was settle even beyond what she had hoped for!!!! She was estatic!!!
The same gal was in a very difficult situation at her job. She had a very mean boss who was trying to get her out of her job! I asked her to bless this boss. Again, her emotions did not want to do this, but she understood that Jesus had already blessed this boss and that she would be in agreement with Jesus. She started blessing her boss and was letting go of all negative thinking. Miraculously, about two weeks later, she was offered a new job in a different department and received three pay raises! Needless to say she was very happy!!!!
* around June 2012 Another friend was in a insurance claim dispute. The insurance company did not want to pay this $20,000 claim that they should pay. There was much negativity with the contractor who was been fraudulent as well. The situation was a mess and seemed to be getting worse. I asked her to bless everyone involved in the insurance claim. She had a hard time wanting to do this, but when she saw that Jesus had Blessed everyone, she decided to partner with His blessing. She started to bless everyone. The very next day, she received an email saying that the insurance company was going to pay for the entire $20,000 dispute!!!! She was a happy lady!!!!!
* 12-30-2012 One of Tammy's friends got baptized in the Holy Spirit! She felt a lot of tingling and healing of her heart by the Father's Love by the outpouring of His Love through the Holy Spirit! There was a lot of deep hurt there.
* 12-27-2012 A young man and his wife stopped by the tent for prayer. Prayer for financial breakthrough. I received a text from him a couple days later saying he got his car fixed at no charge!
*12-27-2012 An elderly lady stopped by the tent late as I was getting ready to go home. She walked with a cane and had a neck brace on. As I prayed and was releasing the Father's Love to her, she ripped off her neck brace and said all of her pain was gone, right in the middle of the prayer! I was amazed! She didn't gently take it off, she more like ripped it off!!! Some of her other pain left as well! Praise God!!!!
*12-28-2012 My friend Scott and I prayed for this young gal who just had her gall bladder removed two weeks earlier. She was not a Christian. I asked her if we could bless her. She said yes. As we were releasing the Father's Love into her, she said all the pain in her stomach left. She said right before she came to the tent, she was doubled over in pain! God is Good, Mighty and Loving! She had been studying other religions but she was so encouraged to experience God's Love and Healing!
*12-22-2012 As Jawaid and Tammy and I were praying and fellowshipping, a young gal stopped by the tent. She had bad stomach pain. After releasing the Father's Love to her and Jawaid and Tammy giving her words of they saw in the Spirit, she said she felt really good. I asked her how her stomach felt. She said, "Oh yeah, checked it out and said all the pain and discomfort was gone, much to her amazement!!!! Praise God!!!!
*12-22-2012 As Jawaid and I were praying for the Father's Love to fill Tammy's heart, Jawaid said that all of his pain left. He said his feet were really hurting before they came to the tent. Tammy experienced a lot of Joy and Love from the Father! Jawaid got some awesome visions during his prayer time!!!
*12-20-2012 I was speaking at a Christmas Banquet for Gospel Business Men's Fellowship group. Before the talk, while eating dinner, this guy next to me asked me if I would pray for his two kids. The girl was fourteen years old. I prayed the Father's Love and she got baptized in the Holy Spirit. She layed hands on her dad's very sore knee, and almost all of his pain went away. She layed hands on his sore back and all of his back wwent away!!!!
*12-2012 A mother and daughter stopped by the tent. The mother was elderly and in a wheel chair and in pain. They got baptized in the Holy Spirit and filled up with the Father's Love! As I was explaining to the mother that she had already raised with Christ and seated in the heavenly realms, she could see this in the Spirit. I asked her to simply breathe in the realm of perfection in heaven where she was in the Spirit that in this realm there is no sickness or infirmity. She said she was feeling better as she was breathing in the heavenly realm of perfection but she said that her daughter was actually in more pain than she was. I asked the daughter how she was doing. She said she entered into the heavenly realm and could see herself glorified and completely healed there. She said she had no more pain!!!! She had fibromyalgia and extreme foot pain before coming to the tent! They were both so happy and filled with the Joy and Love of the Holy Spirit that I asked them to pray for me. As they were praying, the mother said she saw herself being lifted out of her wheel chair and got scared, so she opened her eyes! AMAZING time in the Holy Ghost!!!!
*12-15-2013 Young gal had pain and cysts in female parts. After the prayer, she has said the pain has never come back!
* 12-7-2012 Young worker at Del Taco had bad back pain. I asked her if she wanted God to heal her. She said "What"? She was totally un-religious, all of her pain left and has stayed awayed to her amazement!!!
*11-28-2012 A lady at the market hip was bothering her. After a very short prayer, almost all of her pain left. The same day, a worker a the Postal Annex store had two broken toes. I asked her if she wanted God to heal her toes. She said they were broken (like this would be too hard for God), prayed and she said all the pain was gone! She could not believe it! Praise God!!!!
*10-2012 While in Oceanside at a Postal Annex store, the guy behind the counter I saw had a hard time writing. I asked him if wanted God to heal him. He was another one who said what??? The pain in his shoulder almost completely left to his amazement!!!
*11-11-2012 After praying for this woman a church who was overwhelmed by the Father's Love, I asked her son to come up for a hug. After asking him again, he came up reluctantly, He had this hard looking exterior. The hug was like hugging a brick wall. No emotion. I just put my hand on his shoulder and didn't say a word, but was releasing the Father's Love into him. After a couple minutes, he looked at me and said he felt really goo and peaceful! I asked him if he would like to have that for the rest of his life. He said yes. He got born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit with His power and Love!!!!
*11-2-2012 Lady stopped by the tent to report that her husband got a good job! We had prayed for this a week earlier.
* September 2012 I saw a friend from past church at the store. He told me that had got his job the after he stopped by the tent for prayer!
* October 2012 These two guys stopped by for prayer. The one guy said he had been buried in a caved in trench about 25 years ago and has been in severe back and neck pain ever since. I didn't pray for healing, I had him see and visualize himself inside of Jesus seated in the heavenly realm. I explained that in this realm of the Spirit, where he was literally seated in Christ, that pain did not exist, only the perfection of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I asked him simply to breathe in the atmosphere of of the perfect healing Love of heaven. After breathing in the atmosphere of heaven, his pain went down from a 9 to a 2. He said he would finish the rest of the healing when he got home! I Love this one! As he breathed in the perfect Love of the heavenly realm, he received his healing!
* October 2012 The same type of thing happened when these two ladies stopped by the tent for prayer. As I was praying and taking the mother into the same heavenly realm, the daughter joined us in the prayed. I didn't know it, but she was in severe pain from fibromyalghia. As she joined into the prayer and saew herself in the heavenly realm already healed and was breathing the Truth of this realm of perfect Healing Love, All of her pain left!!! She was in very severe feet pain before she came to the tent!
I could fill pages and pages of healing, but I won't right now. I have seen blind eyes opened, cataracts healed, macular degeneration healed; A Lady with a stroke and paralysis got healed, she said the cloud that was in her mind was gone and had almost complete movement where her left side had been paralized!
An older man at the Navajo reservation said he had Alzheimer's, he descibed it as a constant cloud in his mind. After the prayer of the Father's Love, he said the cloud left!
A lady in her thirties came by the same day, with the same cloud in her mind. She said she couldn't work because she couldn't remember hardly anything. I asked her when this had started, she said in her early teens. The Spirit told me it was caused by abuse. We asked the Holy Spirit to minister to her heart. Jesus said that He came to heal and bind up the heart. In the New Covenant we are given a new heart. I ask the Holy Spirit to minister to her heart so it would be set free. We, Kevin and I, ministered the Father's Love to her heart. When we got done, she said the cloud in her mind was gone!!!! Glory to God!
We have seen deaf ears open at the Navajo Reservation. One lady was in severe pain so that she could not work as a dental hygienist. We ministered the Father's Love to her, and then I offered the hug from the Father and Holy Spirit. It was prophesied over me that I would have a ministry of hugs that the Holy Spirit would be released into people without saying anything. This lady stayed in the hug for about twenty minutes. When she got done, she said she really, really good! She just kept saying this over and over! When she brought her dad for healing about a week later, she said she was ready to go back to work! Her dad, who was in his eighties got his legs healed so he could get in and out of their truck without help! He was so excited!!! Quite a few people have been healed in this hug without hardly speaking to the pain at all! Nothing more powerful in all of creation, than the Father's Love!!! Nothing!!!
While at the tent that was down the street from Inland Valley Hospital a man showed up who was desperate for healing. He said he had just come out of a consultation with the orthopedic doctors. He needed surgery very bad, but the doctors didn't want to do it because I believe he said his diabetes was too bad. He was living on pain pills and could not sleep because his pain was so bad. I just prayed like normal asking Holy Spirit to minister the Father's Love to his heart and then heal his back. He said his pain level was at a 10 on a scale 1-10. After the prayer and blessing, all of his pain was gone!!!! Amazing! God is so Good!!!!
The very first person I had prayed for when I started the tent ministry over four years ago was a friend I knew casually. He stopped by the tent and asked me to pray for his son who was in the hospital in San Diego for Hip Dyspepsia. He was in a lot of pain! I didn't know that humans could get this problem. I saw my friend about two years later and I remembered his son. He told me that he was released from the hospital the next day that it was a miracle! Praise God!!!!
* A couple years ago a gal stopped by who was going through an extremely difficult court case. Seemed like nothing was going her way, seemed like evil was triumphing, and attorneys seemed to ignoring her. I suggested to her that she start blessing everyone involved in the case. She didn't like the idea at first and everything inside of her was like screaming "No". But she decided to go against her feelings and bless everyone because at the Cross, Jesus removed the curse by becoming the curse so all people would be Blessed. I asked her to come into agreement with what Jesus did for them on the Cross that this would release the Holy Spirit to really be active in the court case. In less than two weeks, miraculously, the court case was settle even beyond what she had hoped for!!!! She was estatic!!!
The same gal was in a very difficult situation at her job. She had a very mean boss who was trying to get her out of her job! I asked her to bless this boss. Again, her emotions did not want to do this, but she understood that Jesus had already blessed this boss and that she would be in agreement with Jesus. She started blessing her boss and was letting go of all negative thinking. Miraculously, about two weeks later, she was offered a new job in a different department and received three pay raises! Needless to say she was very happy!!!!
* around June 2012 Another friend was in a insurance claim dispute. The insurance company did not want to pay this $20,000 claim that they should pay. There was much negativity with the contractor who was been fraudulent as well. The situation was a mess and seemed to be getting worse. I asked her to bless everyone involved in the insurance claim. She had a hard time wanting to do this, but when she saw that Jesus had Blessed everyone, she decided to partner with His blessing. She started to bless everyone. The very next day, she received an email saying that the insurance company was going to pay for the entire $20,000 dispute!!!! She was a happy lady!!!!!
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