Monday, February 18, 2013

Do You See and Sense Your Heart Being Full of His Love?

Good Morning Precious and Dearly Loved Child of God!

Do you realize how big your new heart is?  “As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His Love for you.” Psalms 103:11.        “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out (and continues to pour out without ever stopping) His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given to us.” Romans 5:5.              You are not going to pour an ocean into a shot glass, nor are you going to pour something that is as big as the heavens are above the earth into a small, little heart!  Your heart, in the Spirit, is able to receive the continue outpouring of this magnificent Love.  This is amazing how much Love is continually being poured into your heart! 

 How would you like to be able to see and experience this continual outpouring of perfect, supernatural Love into your heart?  Why not?  If it is truly being poured in like the Bible says, then it is available and accessible to experience this outpouring!  He didn’t just write about it so you read about it, No, The Love is being poured into your heart, so you can experience this outpouring in full, overwhelming measure!  Why settle for less and live under the law and feel like a failure all the time, or being trying to prove to yourself and to others, that you are not a failure!  Why not just live in the continual awareness you live in and under a fountain of constant flow of supernatural and divine Love from God, our Father! 

 This Love is meant to be the thing that motivates you at your heart level!   “For Christ’s Love compels us.” 2 Corinthians 5:14.       His Love is be the gas in your engine that allows you to do exploits in the Spirit!  There is such a dullness of heart, a veil over the minds that keeps people thinking that worldly pursuits will satisfy their heart.  All you have to do is look at some of the people who have risen to the top and see that wealth and fame do not satisfy the heart!!!  Big-time performers, people on the cover of magazines are committing suicide very often!  The human being is meant to run on the full octane of the full measure of the Father’s Love being continually poured into each person’s heart!  

 A sensitivity to His Love needs to be developed in each and every heart!  This is the ultimate purpose for every human being!!!  Man will not really find out who he really is until he experiences the Love of the Father flowing through them!  Man was not created for churchianity, he was created to live and experience the full measure of the Father’s Love in an overwhelming way!   Church is meant to help each other discover and experience the full power of this Love!  Why settle for anything less?  Why not pursue with all your heart what you were created and destined for!  

When you are encountering the full measure of the Father’s Love, by the Holy Spirit, you are living life to the full!  Just continue to fellowship with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to make you so aware of your new heart that is completely full of the outpouring of the Father’s Love!  For all of eternity, you will be discovering newer aspects of His Love!  His Love is this infinite in size and quality! 

 Just keep looking into your new heart and seeing the Father’s Love continually being poured in!  The more you look and see in the Spirit, the more you will experience the power of His Love!!!!    Above all else, keep drinking and seeing this Love, you were created for this!

Jerry Brown           2-18-2013.     

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