Good Morning Precious One!!!
A good friend just passed away the other day and his last
words were, “I just want to be Loved, I want more Love”. He
was feeling the cry and ache of everyone of our hearts! This need for Love is the greatest of our human
hearts! Just like the old country song
says, “We are looking for love in all the wrong places.” Ultimately, this great and insatiable need
for infinite, unfailing, and unconditional love only comes from the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit!
Human love, as good as it can be, is still
finite in nature and can only go so far.
But the Love of the Father is infinite, limitless and “as high as the heavens
are above the earth.” God is
Love!!!! The Father’s Love fills
heaven! Heaven is the full expression of
the Father’s Love! Heaven is the
continual expression and manifestation of His Love in its absolute totality. The “Good
News of Great Joy” is that, at salvation, we were raised with Christ and have
been seated in Christ in the heavenly realms.
Not only are we living
there now, in Christ, but the Father is continually pouring His Love into our
hearts through His Holy Spirit while we are on the earth! We are filled with fullness of Christ, we
have been glorified and perfected in Christ Jesus at salvation, so we are never
without this infinite Love being poured into our heart, and we always living in
the heavenly realms, even while we walk on the earth!
Yes, unconditional
and infinite Love is our greatest need, but the good news is that this insatiable
need fulfilled in us because we are in Christ and are as He is. The need is always being fulfilled by the
Holy Spirit revealing this Love to our heart!
We just need to tune into the Spirit to receive the revealing and
manifestation of the Father’s Love. The
Spirit will make this Truth of us being seated in the heavenly realm more real
and powerful in the depths our heart!
The natural mind
cannot comprehend or know this Love of the Father in substance, apart from the
Spirit! The Father’s Love is a spiritual
substance and it takes Faith on our part to receive and appropriate this
Love! This loving substance is released
from the Father’s heart to our heart by the Holy Spirit! People can know some love apart from the
Spirit, but the Spirit is the only who releases the true nature and substance
of the Father’s Love!!! People can know about heaven intellectually by
reading books and testimonies of others, but to real “Know” this Love and
experience this Love, it is impossible apart from the Spirit of God!
The Love of the
Father comes from His heart, and is expressed in totality in heaven, and we
experience all of His Love through His Spirit!!! We can experience heaven by the Spirit! We are seated in the heavenly realms right
this very second, therefore we can experience this realm of heaven by the
Spirit. The Kingdom of heaven is within
each of us! “The kingdom of God is
within you.” Luke 17:21. We have
total access to the heavenly kingdom right now through the Spirit!
So if you want more
of the Father’s Love in the depths of your heart in a experiential way, the
Holy Spirit will reveal this Love to us, and make it powerfully real to
us! Our job is to behold, take hold and
abide in this Love by the power of the Holy Spirit! We may not always feel this Love that is
continually and constantly being poured into our hearts, but we just simply
believe the Truth that this outpouring is occurring!
No matter what the
circumstances, no matter how dark and negative, nothing can separate us from
this outpouring of His Love pouring into our hearts through the Holy Spirit! There are things that will keep us from
receiving His Love into our hearts. God’s
Love never stops flowing, but we can stop the flow from entering into our heart
in a manifest way by holding unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, fear,
condemnation, unbelief…… These things
stifle our ability to experience the Father’s Love and blessings!
We just need to
abide in the Father’s Love and keep receiving His Love no matter how deeply
people may hurt us, and no matter how deep the pain in our heart is!!! We just simply turn to the Father’s
outpouring of Love into our heart in the depth of our hurt and pain and His
Love refreshes and strengthens us and gives us he power, ability, and grace to
Love the ones who are hurting us very deeply!
The Father’s Love flowing through our heart gives us the ability to love
unconditionally and supernaturally just like the Father!
So we just simply
abide, receive, dwell, enjoy the River of abounding, Joy-filled Love of the
Father released to us by the Holy Spirit!!!
This Love fulfills the ache in the depths of our heart! SHALOM!!!!!
Jerry Brown
Thank you brother for pouring your heart out, his love heals all pain. There is no despair when we focus on our Father's love! Let's get our eyes off of us and look towards his never ending flowing river of love.