Monday, May 20, 2013

The More We Drink, The More We Feel and Experience the Spirit!

Good Morning Precious and Dearly Loved Saint and Child of Our Abba Father!

Are you an excessive drinker????   Do you excessively drink from the River of Delights and feast from the abundance of the House of our Father?  We can drink from the River of Delights by the Holy Spirit all we want, there is no restriction put on us!  We can drink, drink, drink of this delightful river flowing into us all day long!  The more we drink, the happier, the more joyful, the more loving and the more supernaturally powerful we will become! 

 We can drink, breathe in, take hold of the Holy Spirit’s river of delights, to our hearts content!  We were created to drink of this River of Delights!  We were created to drink of the Father’s Love, His Goodness, His Peace, His Presence, His Kindness, His supernatural and miraculous Power……   This is where we are to set out heart and minds.   This is how we are supposed to live.   Just drinking of the Loving-Kindness even when very difficult and troublesome things of this world are happening! 

 The outside circumstances do not and cannot change what is happening in the Spirit realm!  The Father’s delightful healing Love is always flowing into us 24/7 no matter how devastating the attack from the evil one is upon us!   We can be going through the most horrific situations on the earth, but the River of the Father’s delightful, healing Love is always flowing into us in full power! 

 We probably won’t feel this delightful Love during the really tough times, but because we cannot feel the power of this delightful Love, does not mean it is not flowing!  We cannot feel our heart pumping, or our lungs breathing, or our liver working or most of all of our other organs in the body, but we KNOW that they are working, even though we cannot feel them.  Our feelings are not always very good indicators of Truth.   Our feelings are determined by-in-large by our current thoughts and circumstances and also what is in our heart from similar past situations.                  

           “We set our hearts at rest in His presence whenever our hearts condemn us.  For God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything.” 1 John 3:19-20.            So even we feel condemned, we can still drink deeply of the Father’s Love because we KNOW (by the Holy Spirit) that Nothing can separate or stop His Love pouring into our hearts!  The Father’s Love is Agape Love.  This Love initiates regardless of we are behaving.  Our behavior does not dictate if the Father loves us or not!  He Loves all people, even when we were His enemies, when we were weak and powerless and when we were at our worst!!!!!!!  

“But God demonstrates His own Love for us in this: while we were still sinners (actively sinning against Him), Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.      So even when we are under great attack from the enemy and our hearts feel condemned, the Father’s Love is greater than all things!!!!        

    “No, in all things (all situations, no matter how dark and demonic) we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither angels nor demons, neither the present (circumstances) nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth (of darkness, of horrifying and difficult of circumstances), nor anything else in all of creation, will be able to separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39.   

       So we make every effort to enter into this River of Delights and drink deeply and powerfully of the Father’s Love, by the Holy Spirit, when the hammer of circumstances may be coming upon us.     The more we drink, the more real and powerful this River of Delightful Love becomes in our hearts!  So do you want to feel and experience His Love more in the depths of your heart, than drink excessively of the continuous flow of the River of His delightful Love in the Spirit!!!!!!       ENJOY!!!!!!!            SHALOM!!!!!!!!!


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