Hello Precious and Dearly Loved Child of Our Abba Father!
“By His wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24. The healed in the Greek is the word
“iaomai” which generally means being healed physically; draws attention to the
Lord as supernatural Healer; to cure disease; to be made whole completely. This Greek word is used 22 times as it
refers to physical healing.
“And He touched his ear and healed him.” Luke 22:51. “By His wounds we are healed.” Isaiah
The word healed used here is a different
word in the original Hebrew language, it is “rapha” which very similar, but
implies a complete, thorough, absolute healing of all the hurts and wounds in a
person. Isaiah 53 refers this healing to
our grief’s, sorrows, transgressions, iniquities, infirmities, sicknesses,
diseases, weaknesses, distresses, pains, guilt…. Jesus did a complete, thorough absolute
healing of our body, soul, hearts and spirits.
“When the evening
came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and He drove out the
spirits with a word and healed all the sick.
This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took
up our infirmities and carried our diseases.” Matthew 8:16-17.
This is very
similar to the Hebrew word “shalom” and the Greek word “eirene”. A Hebrew dictionary defines it as:
completeness, peace, prosperity, fulfillment, wellness of whole being, safety,
soundness of body, welfare, health, quiet, tranquility, peace with humans and
with God. Jesus said, “Peace I leave
with you; My peace I give to you. I do
not give as the world gives. Do not let
your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27.
This Peace is the
very same Peace that fills the Father and the Son! It is the substance of the Peace of heaven,
right out of the Father’s heart! This is
the Peace that Jesus gives to us! He
said it is “my peace”, so therefore, you have received His Peace, His
completeness, His prosperity, His wellness, His health, His perfection, His
glory, His Joy, His Love…..everything that exists in the heart of Jesus and the
Father has been given to you! The
entire kingdom of God has been given to you!
Do you believe this?
“Do not be afraid,
little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” Luke
12:32. This is His kingdom, the
kingdom of heaven! “The kingdom of God
is within you.” Luke 17:21. This is
how we are supposed to look at ourselves.
“So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.” 2
Corinthians 5:16.
Jesus purchased your
complete salvation, healing, shalom, with His blood so you would become a new
creation, a participator of His divine nature, 2 Peter 1:3. Jesus took you out of the kingdom of darkness
and translated you into the kingdom of the Son who the Father loves! Are you ready to believe and receive your
full inheritance? “Those He justified,
He also glorified.” Romans 8:30.
Are you ready to
set your heart and mind on things above, the heavenly realities, and see
yourself completely and only as Jesus has made you in the Spirit! You would be honoring Jesus if you
would! Some people think that that would
be arrogance; to the contrary, it is disobedience if we don’t! Jesus spilled His blood for each one of us to
completely, 100% purchase us from the kingdom of darkness so that we would see
ourselves and completely identify ourselves with Him! “As Jesus is, so are we, in this world.” 1 John
Are you ready to
see yourself apart from your flesh and set your heart and mind on things above,
the heavenly realities, and see yourself as you currently are, seated in Jesus,
and a member Of His heavenly household? “Consequently,
you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people
and members of God’s household.” Ephesians 2:19.
Are you ready to
honor God and Jesus and accept your full and complete salvation or do you want
to live under the law and strive in unbelief to get everything that He has
already given to you? Are you ready to
really take hold of the glory, oneness and perfection that Jesus died For?
“Not that I have
already obtained all this, or have been made perfect, but I press on to take
hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Philippians 3:12. Jesus has completely taken hold of you;
perfected, and gloried you, made you as He is, and made you one with Him, are
you ready to take hold of what He has already done to you and who He already made
you? You honor and bless Him when you
set your heart and mind on who you, and others, are, seated and living in the
heavenly realms!!!!!!
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