Monday, March 18, 2013

Is Focus on Earthly Pain or Yourself in the Heavenly Glory?

Hello Precious and Dearly Loved Child of Our Abba Father!

“Set your heart on things above (heavenly realities), where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on things above (heavenly realities), not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3.          How are you doing in this?  If you mind and heart is set on the earthly realities, you will be experiencing a lot of hurt, pain, disappointments, lack in most areas.  If your heart and mind are set on the heavenly realities, you will experience the continual Love, Joy, Peace… of the Father! 

 You are a new creation and you were created to be filled with the Holy Spirit!   The outpouring of the Love of the Father prevents the heart from experiencing disappointment and fear because perfect Love drives out fear!  “And Hope does not disappoint us, because God has   poured out His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given to us.” Romans 5:5.        By abiding in this continual flow of the Father’s Love, you keep your heart away from fear, disappointment, discouragement and condemnation; the enemies of our souls!!! 

 You were created to live with a full “Love-Tank”!   You were created to be experiencing the full measure of the Father’s Love all of the time!  The only way you can do this is to keep your heart and mind on things above, the heavenly realities of the Father’s Love, Joy, Peace, and wholeness!!!  The moment your focus becomes set on your earthly troubles, hurts, pains, disappointments, fears… discouragement and fear… begins to settle into your heart!   “Above all else, guard your heart, for from it flow ALL the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23.      

     As you keep looking at and into the new heart that Jesus gave to you the moment you were born again, you will begin to experience the issues of the new heart of Jesus within you!  If you don’t believe that you are truly a new creation with a new heart of Jesus, you will live from the old attitudes of your old man in sin!  If you don’t believe that you are a new creation, with a new heart, you live with weakness, lack, fear, condemnation, sickness, disease….     But when you guard your heart from all the earthly hurt, disappointments, fear… you will experience the supernatural and all powerful Love and Joy of the Father! 

 Just continue to ask Holy Spirit, your best friend and Lover of your soul, to reveal the deep truths of the new heart!  King David was a “man after God’s own heart”, will you do the same?  Will you guard your heart and not let any earthly hurt, disappointment, pain… into it?  The earthly realm is full of all this negativism and darkness!  You were created to look up into things above, the heavenly realities! 

 Will you see yourself in the Lord’s Glory with an unveiled face, free of anything worldly, and set your heart and mind on the Lord’s Glory and you inside of Him; one with Him, filled with all of Glory and perfection?     As you do this, you are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing Glory!  You are becoming whatever you set your heart on!   What do you want to become or manifest on the earth????           SHALOM!

Jerry   Brown                3-18-2013

1 comment:

  1. Brother Jerry, the Love-Tank is so important, you nailed it! Being in business having to deal with so many issues can become a distraction if we're not in the word filling our tank. Just a continued praise of his goodness-thanking him,loving on him helps us do right by him. People notice that your different and if they should ask what's up, that opens the door. Praise God!!!


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