Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thanksgiving, The Language of Faith and Love!!!

Hello Precious One!

What do you do if you have been made into the fullness and oneness of Christ, and have been given everything in the Kingdom of God in the Spirit, yet may not be walking in and manifesting the fullness of the blessings on the earth?    Million dollar question!!!    We just keep focusing the eyes of our heart on the Truth of God’s Word.  We fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our Faith.  We keep on setting our hearts and minds on things above, the heavenly realities.  We keep drinking of the Holy Spirit and drinking and abiding in the fullness of the Father’s Love! 

The last thing we want to do is to turn our heart to the flesh in any agreement with weakness, discouragement, fear or any sense of lack!  We just keep on, keeping on, with our heart full of thanksgiving for the Truth of what has already been done to us in the Spirit. 

 “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live In Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the Faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7.   Thanksgiving and Praise is the language of Faith and Love.      

  We never stop giving thanks because this flow of His perfect Love never stops flowing!   His Love is overflowing into our hearts, so our thanksgiving from our hearts can be overflowing as well!   We continue to set our heart on things of the Spirit, the heavenly realities, where everything and everyone in Christ Jesus is perfected, healed, glorified, and full of the Father’s Love and Joy!

  These Truths do not change, even on our worst of days!!!     We never see ourselves outside of Him or His glory!  NEVER!!!!!       This is our problem; we start to identify with the weakness of the flesh, not in the fullness and the abounding Love of who we are inside of Christ Jesus! 

 If we may be manifesting weakness and lack on the earth, even still, we keep drinking of the fullness of the River of Blessings, Delights, Love and Joy and supernatural power that is always flowing into us by the Holy Spirit!  Walking in victory on the earth always requires Faith on our behalf.   “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” Hebrews 11:6.  

     Faith is staying in agreement with the Truth of the Spirit with our heart, no matter what is going on in the earthly realm.   Faith looks beyond the circumstances of the earth, and trusts and believes and sets our heart on the Truth of the heavenly realities, no matter what!  We stay rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus and don’t look to the right or left and get distracted from the Father’s perfect, healing, supernatural Love being poured into our hearts.

 Our Faith gets strengthen as we keep looking  by Faith into the Spirit of Truth that we are fully inside of Christ Jesus with all of His perfection and abounding Glory, no matter what may be happening on the earth or in our bodies or in our families!!!!   Eventually we will reap the harvest of the abounding blessings of the heavenly realms on the earth, if we don’t give up keep looking by Faith into the heavenly realities!!!!  (There is a movement of people who are misleading people by saying Faith is not necessary in our walks with God, that God God’s grace will do all things in our lives and if we don’t have Faith).   

 So we just keep rejoicing, overflowing with thanksgiving by Faith, as we set our hearts of the abounding Truth of the Father’s Love is always being poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit!  It is hard to be thankful if we are not spiritually minded.  Thankfulness, rejoicing and Praise are rooted in seeing into the Spiritual heavenly realities and hearing the voice of the Lord, even when circumstances on the earth may be going haywire!

   Abraham is our example of living by Faith during extremely difficult circumstances.  “Against all hope, Abraham believed… without weakening in his Faith, he faced the fact that his body was as  good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.  Yet he did not waver in unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his Faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised.” Romans 4:16-21.

  So we just keep overflowing with thanksgiving and giving Glory to God even if we may be  going through the most trying of circumstances on the earth!!!   THE HARVEST IS COMING!!!!!!!!!    “ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!            SHALOM

Jerry   Brown       1-16-2014

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